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JeCC Building Bye-Laws Briefing

Following on from the Pathway 2050 an Energy Plan for Jersey, which was approved by the States last year, the Minister for Planning and Environment will soon be publishing draft proposals to strengthen the energy performance requirements (Part 11) of the building bye-laws.  The proposed changes aim to further improve the energy performance of buildings by:

  • Setting significantly improved energy performance targets for all new buildings;
  • Introducing a new fabric energy efficiency rate aimed at reducing demand for space heating in new dwellings;
  • Extending the requirements for ‘consequential improvements’ to improve the energy performance of a dwelling when it is extended;
  • Setting higher standards for replacement windows and doors; and
  • Further improving insulation when renovating or replacing parts of the external fabric to existing buildings.

Mo Roscouet, MRICS, Environemtn Department Director for Building Control will outline the proposed changes to the building bye-law requirements and supporting technical guidance documents.  Full details of the proposals will be available for public comment on from 1 October 2015.

6 October, 16.30 - 18.30

Elizabeth Room, Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel

Light refreshments will be available

This is a free event but if you wish to attend, please register by clicking here